Saturday, August 25, 2012

West Nile Encephalitis

From the Maryland One Health Bulletin: First Confirmed West Nile Virus in Maryland West Nile virus (WNV) infection has been detected in humans and mosquitoes in Maryland. To date, five human cases have been reported in multiple Maryland counties. One pool of mosquitoes from Worcester County collected by the MDA and two pools in Montgomery County collected by the U.S. Department of Defense tested positive for WNV infection. Positive mosquito pools have also been detected in neighboring Washington, DC and Virginia. Because WNV is endemic in Maryland wildlife, birds are no longer routinely tested for WNV in the State; however, sick or injured birds can be reported to a local wildlife rehabilitator, which can be found on the DNR web site. Instructions on what to do when you find a sick or dead bird can be found on the DHMH web site. Veterinarians are reminded that equine neurologic syndromes and any of the equine encephalitides are reportable to MDA Animal Health and that equine arboviral testing is available at the DHMH Laboratories Administration. Veterinarians are reminded to vaccinate horses against WNV, Eastern equine encephalitis and rabies. Nationally, 693 human cases have been reported from 32 states, the highest number reported through the 2nd week of August since WNV was first detected in the US in 1999. Over 80% of the cases have been reported from six states (Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, South Dakota, and California) and almost half were from Texas. Comment: So far, touch wood, there have been no equine cases reported in Maryland. Owner compliance with vaccination has been good and I feel that this has made a big difference. At present I am recommending a yearly booster after the primary series.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Acclimitizing to heat and humidity

We were lucky this June with really nice temperature/humidity but now that is at an end. Please remember that it takes time for your horse to get used to working in these conditions. Heat related illness is much more likely if you ignore this fact. Human elite athletes allow 7-14 days to get used to increases in heat and humidity before resuming intense training.

Friday, June 15, 2012

USDA office in Annapolis to close 6/29

This means that international health certificates (including to Canada) will have to be signed at the Richmond office. You will have to allow two additional days for overnight in each direction or make a 6-8 hr round trip to Richmond if time is critical.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Carolina Gold - GABA prohibited by USEF

Important Information Regarding the Use of the Prohibited Substance GABA – Ingredient in Commercial Product “Carolina Gold”
RELEASE: February 22, 2012
AUTHOR/ADMINISTRATOR: USEF Communications Department
Tasked with protecting the welfare of equine athletes and ensuring the balance of competition, the USEF Equine Drugs and Medications Program consistently monitors new products and product claims. From time-to-time products appear on the equine supplement market making claims of their effects on the performance of horses in competition.

Recently, reports of the use of a product called “Carolina Gold” have been brought to the USEF Equine Drugs and Medications Program. One of the principal constituents of this product is gama aminobutyric acid (GABA), an inhibitory neurotransmitter.

While initially not considered a forbidden substance, the use of GABA as a “calming supplement” does violate the spirit and intent of the Equine Drugs and Medications Rule. During recent research and administration trials involving “Carolina Gold,” many adverse reactions were documented. The nature of these reactions has prompted immediate action from the USEF Equine Drugs and Medications Program.

Effective immediately, “Carolina Gold” or any other product containing GABA is considered a forbidden substance under USEF rules. Further, because there are no recognized medical uses for this substance, the use of a Medication Report Form to report its administration is not applicable.

The detection of GABA is being actively pursued by the USEF Equine Drugs and Medications Program and will be implemented without delay or notice. No further announcements will be forthcoming regarding the use of “Carolina Gold” or GABA. All positive findings will be forwarded to the USEF Hearing Committee. Trainers and veterinarians involved in the sale or use of this substance may be subject to fines and/or suspensions.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Management of insulin resistance with supplements

Insulin resistance (this is now the preferred term over "metabolic syndrome") is related to multiple health issues in horses, particularly an increased incidence of laminitis. Several supplements on the market are marketed to help control insulin resistance in horses with magnesium and chromium. This study, done at New Bolton Center and University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine, indicates that these do not have a measurable effect on affected horses and ponies.

Effects of a supplement containing chromium and magnesium on morphometric measurements, resting glucose, insulin concentrations and insulin sensitivity in laminitic obese horses

  1. K. A. CHAMEROY,
  2. N. FRANK*,
  3. S. B. ELLIOTT,
  4. R. C. BOSTON

Article first published online: 29 SEP 2010

DOI: 10.1111/j.2042-3306.2010.00302.x

© 2010 EVJ Ltd

results and conclusion:

Results: Hyperinsulinaemia (>30 µu/ml) was detected in 12 of 14 horses prior to treatment. Glucose and insulin data from one mare with clinical laminitis were excluded because of persistent pain. Mean ± s.d. insulin sensitivity was 0.64 ± 0.62 × 10−4 l/min/mu prior to treatment for the remaining 13 horses. Time and treatment × time effects were not significant for any of the variables examined, with the exception of resting insulin concentrations, which significantly increased over time (P = 0.018). Health status remained the same.

Conclusions: The supplement containing chromium and magnesium evaluated in this study did not alter morphometric measurements, blood variables, resting insulin concentrations or insulin sensitivity in laminitic obese horses.

Unfortunately weight loss through diet and exercise is the only proven disease modifier. We all like to please our horses and enjoy seeing them enjoy their food but any horse will lose weight if the calorie intake is reduced enough. Total starvation is a very bad idea and will cause other problems, particularly in obese horses.

Weight Management

If you are trying get your horse to gain or lose weight, knowing the actual amount in weight of hay and grain you are feeding is important. Once this is determined your veterinarian can help guide you in determining the optimum amount to feed your particular horse. A scoop or can is not a measure of grain that means anything. A flake is not a measure of hay that means anything. The only valid measurement is weight. Different feeds will weight different amounts for the same volume. You do not have to weigh every feeding, but weighing the volume measure that you are using will give an accurate result as long as you do not change feed. The average bale of hay weighs from 35lbs to 60 lbs. Either weigh a bale and figure how much a 6 inch flake weighs as a fraction of the bale or weigh your average flake. Round bales in the field count too! You can't measure them, but figure that a horse will eat 25-30 lbs a day free choice. That will be greatly reduced if the round bale is nasty or moldy. Most horses get too much grain and not enough hay, but there are some easy keepers that will not lose weight given free choice hay and no grain. Total hay needs to be reduced to about 15 lbs a day with no grain (for an 1100 lb horse) to make a dent in their weight.

A fisherman's scale should cost $6-$10 and is accurate enough (if you want to splurge, get a digital one for about $20)

To track your horses progress, use a weight tape (usually free at the feed store) They are not perfectly accurate for absolute weight, but they are very accurate in tracking gain or loss. If the number is going up or staying the same and your goal is to reduce weight, the horse is eating too much or not exercising enough or both!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Management of insulin resistance with supplements

Insulin resistance (this is now the preferred term over "metabolic syndrome") is related to several health issues in horses, particularly an increased incidence of laminitis. Several supplements on the market are marketed to help control insulin resistance in horses with magnesium and chromium. This study, done at New Bolton Center and University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine, indicates that these do not have a measurable effect on affected horses and ponies.

Effects of a supplement containing chromium and magnesium on morphometric measurements, resting glucose, insulin concentrations and insulin sensitivity in laminitic obese horses


Article first published online: 29 SEP 2010

DOI: 10.1111/j.2042-3306.2010.00302.x

© 2010 EVJ Ltd

results and conclusion:

Results: Hyperinsulinaemia (>30 µu/ml) was detected in 12 of 14 horses prior to treatment. Glucose and insulin data from one mare with clinical laminitis were excluded because of persistent pain. Mean ± s.d. insulin sensitivity was 0.64 ± 0.62 × 10−4 l/min/mu prior to treatment for the remaining 13 horses. Time and treatment × time effects were not significant for any of the variables examined, with the exception of resting insulin concentrations, which significantly increased over time (P = 0.018). Health status remained the same.

Conclusions: The supplement containing chromium and magnesium evaluated in this study did not alter morphometric measurements, blood variables, resting insulin concentrations or insulin sensitivity in laminitic obese horses.

Unfortunately weight loss through diet and exercise is the only proven disease modifier. We all like to please our horses and enjoy seeing them enjoy their food but any horse will loose weight if the calorie intake is reduced enough. Total starvation is a very bad idea and will cause other problems, particularly in obese horses.